In April, I will be heading over firstly to Germany (going to Bremen) and then will be popping over to London, and then to Manchester a bit later on.
Mostly work related.
My question is: what would you call "must-do" or "must-see" items in these locations? Most of the time will be in London, at a placed called "Hotel Russel" which I hope is as nice as it looks on the website .
Don't worry, no you didn't say the physics were bad I know. But take MadCat's suggestion because earlier on people were scratching their heads since some people could slide around all day and some people couldn't save a slide worth a turd. It turns out that there are a few things in the AC and video card settings that make a massive difference for some reason in AC (never saw these issues in any other sim but what the hell - the solutions make a massive difference in AC).
Flip back some pages in this very thread and there's a link PMD (EDIT: the other Phil) posted to an AC thread explaining all the things you need to change and why, and there's a bunch of information in this thread as well if you look back. If I wasn't such a lazy SOB I'd go back and link you the pages but alas...
Ideally I think that would be right but I don't think it's the case. Too many strange things happen for example in iRacing - I have a hard time thinking cars rolling over in mundane conditions just has to do with tires. Would be interested to hear from someone knowledgeable on the subject (hello Ben or Todd?)
This flip side to this however is that LFS appears to exaggerate grip changes during elevation transitions, and I always wondered if this was due to a load sensitivity issue (that showed it's head in other instances).
Though I'm almost at the opinion that this is trolling because AC is the only other sim that's ever felt as fluid, and non-mechanical as LFS / nKP.
When the LFS tire update eventually comes out, I wouldn't be surprised if it felt a lot like AC
I knew this would happen though, the whole setup issue is a bigger deal than most guys are realizing. Like Shotglass just said: a consumer road car with a mid engine layout - it's SUPPOSED to understeer. Remember the Clarkson video driving the Elise?
LFS was/is a great sim but that setup nonsense has created a silly mindset that road-cars would ever practically drive they way you can make them in LFS. One of the reasons I always supported that "showroom stock" option and flag for servers.
In LFS there's still things you couldn't achieve like the gear ratios being way to adjustable. You might buy an after market set or two, same with a differential, but you won't have the options they have in LFS. So it's debatable whether that's sort of thing even belongs in a sim; at best it really ought to be offline only I think
One thing people on this forum will have to remember when criticizing AC car behaviour is that in LFS, the setup options were so outrageous that you could essentially make any car drive exactly how you would like.
I think that AC is exactly on target NOT letting people do that; look at the bizarre WR setups used in LFS - I'm glad we'll never be seeing that in AC.
(You pack for that long before you move? Especially important things like your wheel?)
Phil: I take it back, you suck. Here's your fail award: :trophy_br
Indeed I assumed this much. Since it's not "official" I wouldn't bother reporting issues with combos they haven't "released". I'm just happy they left the hack in place, and didn't mess with Joux being compatible.
Update: the AI hack does still work. Select a challenge and then switch to Quick Race (maintains the grid - I like this about the AC UI, everything you do transfers to the "next" thing you do - brilliant) and choose any track you want and it works decently.
I know that I tend to be positive about things (just how I live my life), but I was really pleasantly surprised tonight when I tried a few different cars (I did not try the little open wheeler, in fact I never have so I cannot comment).
The McLaren used to be quite razor edge, and I know it's SUPPOSED to be that way with the assists turned off per real life, but now it's still razor edge but you can be pre-emptive and drive the shit out of it without ever feeling like the car bit you for no reason - you really have to provoke it to spin now.
Hard to explain but the tires feel much less forgiving but much MORE forgiving at the same time somehow.
I'll have to try the 458 at Imola since I ran so many laps trying not to suck so bad, and see how that feels. But the fact that I shaved that much time off in 3 laps of basically fooling around in the McLaren tells me something. I feel a hell of a lot more confident in the cars now - I will never be as fast as Phil or anything but I sure don't have to be so careful with the cars now.
I'd mostly likely try to make this work. Being on the wrong side of the pond might be an issue depending on what y'all decide. Just remember I need 2 weeks of practice
Yeah, I have to admit it's a time thing on my end.
From 2004 to 2008 I used to have a clue what basic setup adjustments did instinctively and now days if I sit and simply think what a certain thing should do (IE what if I lower the ARB front or rear), after a second or two I recall/work out what that would do.
My real issue with setups (read: why I'm not fast and find it difficult to work out why) is that to be totally honest, I drive the stock setup and have a hard time sorting out WHY the car won't go quicker the way I drive it.
What I mean is that by the time I learn the car, and the track enough to be remotely competitive, I've learned bad habits based on the stock setup and can drive THAT SETUP at a decent pace. But from that point I don't have the knack to figure out what trade-offs I could make to make a faster total lap. So even though I could work out what the basic things do, I'd sit there and ponder "well, I understeer here, but I oversteer there quite often... which one do I really need to fix and why?"
Then someone gives me a "fast" setup and it takes me a while to get back to where I was most of the time.
Back in the day when I drove every single night, I found it challenging but not overly difficult to get to 101% WR or 101.5%... But I did find it frustrating that the only way to do that was to DL the WR set (which was unrealistic to the point of being silly often times which I had to grin and bear) and drive enough laps to figure out the proper way to wrestle it around the track in barbaric fashion.
I didn't see anything overtly wrath provoking in your posts in the last few pages but I suspect it's based on "past performance"
For what it's worth I do sort of understand what you're getting at.
However, if I ever get the gumption to actually put the effort in (as Tristan alluded to ) I know there's lots of resources to help me with it
I just don't have the time to put into sim racing "seriously" at the moment, so I take what I can get and I'd much rather have cars on the track to race with instead of being forced to race online when I don't want to. Until I have the time to maybe enter a league and/or team again, I probably won't venture online a whole lot even when MP is released, but I will most certainly use the AI regularly. And most of you would probably prefer that instead of me taking you out trying to out-brake myself
Also: does anyone know if the McLaren car uses the same TC / ESP systems as the real car? I thought I read somewhere that it does?
I didn't know this about the lighting at the tracks: "Advanced setup options and telemetry for data analysis; dynamic simulation of the tyre rubber deposited on track, depending on the car laps; an adjustable time of the day mode, featuring sun position calculated in realtime, depending by geographical coordinates of the track and by the sun curve according to time and date, in order to get the same light conditions of the real tracks!"
So the date must just be using the real date I suppose, I didn't see anywhere to "set" the date...
Great pass, wow. If I was you I would rename it "racing video enema".
But seriously, that's excellent.
Of course, I can barely complete a pass without either driving like a grandma or smashing things, but nonetheless, that's very cool to watch - I hope Kunos and the community sees how much fun rallying is with great physics!
And here, we see, the early effects of mod-ability in a good sim. Listen, I'm not one to dwell and harp on the deficiencies of the LFS development model, but honestly, now that we have a fine sim that doesn't discourage and vehemently protect this sort of release, look how little time it took to have so much fun. This does leave me with food for thought wondering how much fun was wasted on years of LFS protectionism when the community was begging for the simple, simple opportunity to do what was done here with, so far, one ported track on an early access sim. Personally I see it as a great waste of time and opportunity, but this is all rapidly becoming a moot point as a culturally sensitive developer aims to deliver everything the community; which they've clearly been watching for years and actively listen & respond to, churns out much wanted hype, communication, licenses, content, physics, graphics, and the freedom to make what we want to make. It seems the niche sim-racing community is finally getting our holy grail